Sunday, September 16, 2007

On The Incessant Downgrading of our Blog Layout

Dear whi. DO NOT CHANGE THE LAYOUT OF THIS BLOG AGAIN!!! The London layout is horrible-looking and although this one may be a tad bit unintuitive, it certainly is more aesthetically pleasing. Please, end your incessant downgrading of our blog template.

Sorry for the obnoxiousness. I'm ticked off.


  • At September 16, 2007 at 9:35 PM, Blogger rachi said…

    London? ...Which one? I haven't changed the layout. I didn't even pick this green one O__O"

    All I did was put the tagboard on. >_>

    Maybe someone else did it? I am looking for good layouts, but I think I haven't put any on. Not this green one, or anything like London o__0

  • At September 16, 2007 at 9:41 PM, Blogger rachi said…

    Oh, um. I also put on the links on the top black bar thing.

  • At September 16, 2007 at 10:17 PM, Blogger Epitaph of Twilight said…

    ...It would be nice if ~whi would assist the 'Longing Silence' blog since...well, its too silent...

    I would be very thankful :D

  • At September 16, 2007 at 11:13 PM, Blogger Mastbhint bintoro4 said…

    Bahasane susah dicerna, masa wong jakarta wae bhsne kudu wencosan... Cintailah bhsne dewek gt ganti...

  • At September 16, 2007 at 11:19 PM, Blogger rachi said…

    Maaf mastbhint bintoro4,

    Tapi blog ini kan untuk kelas Bahasa Inggris kita. Jadi ya, mau gimana dong? :) Kita juga cinta bahasa sendiri kok, tapi itu outletnya juga berbeda. Mungkin nanti kita bikin blog khusus kelas Bahasa Indonesia kali. Tapi itu masih nanti kali ya...

    I know now what the London thing was! I'm sorry, I must have pressed the Save button when I tried to fiddle with the XML/Classic template myself. That was a long time ago though.

    Sorry XD

    epitath of twilight,

    As a sidenote; i think it's 'epitaPh'. Uhh, silent? Dude, I'm not in your team :) If you're talking about layouts, there are tons on the net, just look them up in Google or Yahoo! I'm sure you'll find them.

    Cheers everybody,

  • At September 28, 2007 at 12:23 AM, Blogger Karina said…

    mast bla bla bintoro something kocak deh hahaha :D gw baru baca. you knw, blog-mates, i dnt exactly read our posts, never mind punya org lain hehehehe. ga tau. panjang jadi males. gmn gituu. i'll try reading once in a while.

    fyi, MY INTERNET IS BACK! well, actually, it's NEW! FASTNET. super fast!!! WIRELESS PULA! YEAHHHH!!!

    sorry, i'm overjoyed. x)


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