Sunday, September 2, 2007


My jaws dropped just as I was finishing Part One of Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.

Yes, I know, I will find out the reason why later in the book, BUT...


I am shocked by Okonkwo's superb idiocy. His so-called strength and authority has gone too far. What's his problem?

I feel like pulling my hair. Pulling his hair, maybe, if he has hair. This is so absurd. The fact that Okonkwo just killed someone in the middle of a funeral, and the fact that I am this emotionally involved with the story. Okonkwo needs to see a shrink. NOW. In his book-world, wherever it is. Seriously, I am perturbed by his total-extreme-DUMBNESS. I have no better word. Let's hope he has a reason, and it better be a good one. I won't accept: Whoops! My fingers slipped. I will personally murder Okonkwo if that is the reason.

Okonkwo is a FREAK. I'm sorry, but I hope he dies in the story.

So much drama. Ekh.

Please don't tell me what happens next if you already finish reading. Thank you.

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  • At September 3, 2007 at 5:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    do not read this comment if you do not want to read a SPOILER



    Okonkwo does die in the story..


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